Welcome to our page! Here you can find out about our team, the fabulous ViVi Jewelry, links to documents, contests and incentives.

Ready to begin your jewelry business - Let's talk!

Be sure to let me know if you have an idea for a blog post. email me at dnapoleons1018@comcast.net

Thursday, December 6, 2012

EOY Reminders

Just a few End of Year Reminders:

1) This is your biggest sales time - get out there and advertise your availability for last minute shopping - you have the stock - offer gift wrap!

2) Online ordering to receive for Christmas delivery is December 13th

3) The CL corporate office is closed after December 21st!

4)  Time to order new catalogs - partner with a team member if you don't need all 125.  But remember the more catalogs you give out the more you are known as the local Cookie Lee Jewelry gal.

5) Who's coming with me to launch in Baltimore?  Remember I will help pay based on sales!

6) Now is the time to make calls and book January/February shows - use the new catalog as incentive.

I want to THANK each and everyone for being a part of Penn Jersey Jewels - we are a team and I just want all of you to be successful!  Let's build a strong 2013!

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas all!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Booking Ideas

1. The telephone is your best friend, use it. Make at least 5 calls per day for bookings and recruits. Do this faithfully and assure yourself a full date book.

2. A walk-in or open house. To acquaint neighbors and your community with you product, send invitations to friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Advertise that there will be refreshments and a chance to see your product.

3. Mystery Hostess Party. The consultant has a party in her home and awards the hostess credits to the guests. The credits can be divided up or given in different ways. For instance, name goes in for each $25 bought.

4. Trade shows, fairs, expos, events. Check on local activities and reserve well in advance. Consult your up-line on methods and set ups.

5. Advertising. Carry your tote bag, newspapers and online.

6. Brochures/Pages from a recent Catalog with a note. Leave them everywhere that makes sense.  Distribute at dentist, doctors, or anywhere you do business.

7. Business referrals. Real estate office, model homes, flower shops.

8. Bridal registry/bridal showers. For the bride where the guests may purchase gifts. (This can get expensive - watch your costs!)

9. Show on the go/Booking in a basket. Excellent for the office. Place several small items in a basket and one larger one. When an order of $30 is placed, the customer can select a small gift. When all the gifts are gone, the hostess gets to open the bigger gift. (suggest 10 gifts)

10. Delivery Day Special. Offer the hostess, at the time of delivery, a special gift from you when she picks up a booking or two as she delivers her guests items.

11. Offer the hostess an additional gift when she re-books herself with-in 3 months. You may want to offer her an extra incentive for holding 3 shows within a year.

12. Offer a free product of their choice to people who take the brochure home, share it with friends and family and get 5 additional orders resulting in a certain amount of dollars.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Some Tips on Running Late

We all run late once in a while and while it's never good to do that for a party or a show, here are a few good tips for dealing with it when it does happen...



Don't forget this is our best selling season, you should be out there at shows, fairs and calling everyone you know to host a show - persistence pays!

You have to give at least an hour every day to your business to make it successful - set a time and do it in 15 minute chunks, make calls while waiting for your kids at practice or talk to the other parents at their games....every contact may open a door!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

4 Tips for dealing with Chaos

Today's guest blogger Katie Violette is a busy mom who also struggles with Crohn’s Disease and Fibromyalgia. Here are her four best tips for working your direct sales business when your life is more chaotic than calm.
What if I can’t always help my customers immediately?
Life happens. There is never a direct sales emergency! If you are not feeling well, your child has a school commitment, or any one of a million other things that come up in life, you must prioritize. Does that mean neglect your business? Of course not! Communicate with your customers so they understand how thing are progressing. Preplanned events where you will not be available are always best to be laid out in your schedule so your customers are not caught off guard when you are unavailable.
What if a hostess or customer isn’t happy with their party or purchase?
Ideally, it would be great if this never happened, but back in reality there will occasionally be customers who are not happy with their purchase or party. One of the ultimate ways to avoid this situation is to represent a company you believe in. A company that is reliable is your best asset. Selling a product you love shines through every aspect of your business. Knowing that you can rely on your company to provide consistent quality and overcome growing pains provides you the peace of mind that your customers will be treated with the same level of quality you strive for no matter what the situation.
You can only give 100%. Knowing that you have done everything in your power to run your business and keep your customers happy to the best of your ability! As long as you do everything within your company’s guidelines or financial ability to correct any discontent, there is NOTHING else you can do, so stop losing sleep over it!
What if I’m not at 100% at an event or party?
If you are not feeling well, or the baby was up all night and you only got 2 hours of sleep, or any of the other issues that like to creep up right before an event, have a backup plan. If you have a customer who has their eye on a certain product, why not offer to pay them with that product or discounting that product for helping you at an event, setting up, or putting together informational packets before hand? No one ever said you have to run your business by yourself!
If you need help, use your upline as well! Chances are they have been in the same or similar situation and can at the very least give you pointers on how they got through rough times in one piece. If you don’t communicate with or feel embarrassed talking to your upline, friends who are also in direct sales make a great support system as well!
How can I be a good sponsor with the chaos in my life?
Your life experience makes you unique! If you have a unique situation in your life, that doesn’t mean someone without that situation would be done a disservice to have you as their sponsor. Talking to your customers and possible recruits about a funny, embarrassing, or silly blunder makes you accessible. Talking to your customers and possible recruits like you have never had a snag in your career makes them question if they can ever live up to the façade you are presenting (because we have ALL had a glitch or 2 at least here and there).
ulie Anne Jones is a direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific systems, language, and tools for success in direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read her weekly blog posts, visit her at www.julieannejones.com.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Who wants to WIN one of these?

You can win one of these!!  How?

Come to our team meeting on August 26th and find out how!  Lot's of other goodies will be available in the next few months to help you grow you business and make FALL your best season yet!

Please RSVP and let me know you will be attending....

August 26th Sunday
Town & Country Diner - Bordentown, NJ
1:00 PM

If you bring a friend who is interested in signing up - I'll give you both a small gift!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Must Do List for A Successful Fall Selling Season

You've been hearing it for a few weeks now, like the theme song from "Jaws"playing in your head…Dah dum…dah dum… dahdumdahdumdahdum…getting faster and faster. The fall selling season for direct sellers is sneaking up on us and you better be ready! Take a deep breath. There's still time to get set up for success in your direct sales business before the crazy holiday selling season hits you right between the eyes.
Here's a must-do list that should help you get ahead of the game and be prepared to take advantage of all the momentum you can during the 4th quarter of the year:
  • Make a plan – This is the place to start if you're serious about your business. I'm getting ready to sit down and create my quarterly plan next week, so when October hits, I have a step-by-step vision and clear projects I know are planned. Take an hour and set your goals for the 4th quarter of the year. Click here to download my "Goal Setting Worksheet" taken from our "Powerful Tools for Your Direct Sales Business: Leader's Edition."
    It will help you make a strong plan.
  • Create a contact list
    Include people you haven't contacted recently – I guarantee, there are at least 50 people with whom you could follow up but haven't. Think about your customers, guests from your parties, previous hosts, and any other leads that may have fallen through the cracks. Make your goal to actually come up with 100 names and 50 will seem easy.
  • Throw your own celebration party
    You have lots to celebrate th
    is time of year in your direct sales business (and lots of awesome new products to share). Invite all of those people on your list of 50 and everyone else you can think of. Choose a fun theme and offer lots of great give-aways to compel people to want to attend.
  • Think about who needs help
    This time of year, as we head into the holidays, people are wracking their brains trying to come up with great gift ideas. If you've worked with someone they need to give a gift to, you've got some great ideas! If you don't have contact information for spouses or significant others, contact your customers and let them know what you're up to. They'll be happy to provide the information for you. Consider setting up a special "shopping" night in your home for husbands, have the gifts shipped to you, and deliver them wrapped and ready to give once they arrive.
  • Give back
    This is a great time of year to do fund raisers, which also generates greater interest in your business. You can make a difference while growing your business.
  • Make sure your customers know they can shop with you online If you don't have an e-mail list with your customer's information, work on that now and then be sure you e-mail them at least once mid to late November with clear instructions about how they can "shop from their chair" with you on your webiste.

Julie Anne Jones is a direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific language and tools for success in direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read her weekly blog posts, visit her at www.julieannejones.com

Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer Tips

I got this from one of my gf's who is in another direct sales businss and thought it was worth sharing......... enjoy~

Summer can't be no work and all play! 
from Mary Christensen, author of Be A Recruiting Superstar, Be A Network Marketing Superstar and Be A Party Plan Superstar.

Don't take a three-month vacation from your business this summer if you want to change your life. It's all about balance and  these steps will keep business flowing while you're enjoying time out:

Combine not-working with net-working: The person picnicking next to you at the park, beach or camping ground  may be your next team member, host or customer. Pack catalogs, business  brochures and samples in the car with your swimsuit and sunglasses.   When you're not working you will have more time for networking!

One  of the most basic rules of direct selling is that the more people you  meet the more money you will make, so be ready when the opportunity  presents itself. When we're on vacation, we are more open to new people  and new ideas.

Polish and perfect: Practice  your 15-30 second story so that you can spend more time listening and less  time talking. This formula will make it easy: 'I am.... but... and  so...'

Here's an example: "I am a mom. I  have two beautiful boys and I love spending time with them. But I don't  want to lose all my independence. And so, I have a small biz selling  ...... from home. I get to buy all my products wholesale, and take a  break from the kids for some 'me' time. And the money I make pays for  things I would feel guilty buying if I didn't have my own income."

Learn as you burn: Taking a few books away with you this summer? Include one of these books, Be A Recruiting Superstar, Be A Network Marketing Superstar, Be A Party Plan Superstar, or Make Your First Million In Network Marketing with you. Highlight the 'ah-ha's' that jump off the page at you so when  the pressure of real life returns, you can quickly scan the book for  the highlighted passages. If you have an electronic reader, all books  are now on Kindle at www.amazon.com **I have most of these on my Kindle and refer to them often (Debie)

Daydream and decide: While the kids are playing, relax and imagine what your life could be  if you had an extra $1000 a week in your budget. Where would you go?  What would you do? What would you buy? When what you want is powerful  enough, you will do what you have to do.

Prepare and plan: Take a few minutes to search for Expos, and Trade Shows coming to your  area in fall. Apply for a booth now so you are committed to the event.  I'll be sharing how to make your booth stand out in the crowd very soon.

Be visible: A magnetic decal on your car will make sure people know who you are and  what you do; and easier to scoop up customers who have lost contact  with their distributor.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Have YOU ordered your Fall/Winter Catalogs?

You only have until Tuesday, July 24th to get the great pre-order price of $58 for 125 catalogs.  You can always split an order with another Penn Jersey Jewel.....

Let me know if you need a phone number or two!

P.S.  Just two more week left in the July incentive contest - better get selling if you want that $60 FREE!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Words of Wisdom from Seth Godin's Blog

"I have kids at home, I don't have a manager, I need to pay off student debt, my boss never lets me, I'm really busy because of soccer season, my knee is acting up, there's already five galas coming up, my RSI hurts when I type, I don't have a degree, I have a degree and can't waste it, I'm not good at that, I tried it before but it didn't work, I've never tried it before, the weather is crazy, isn't it, the election is right around the corner, it's been too long at this job they won't listen to me, I'm going to retire soon, I'm too young, I'll never learn, it's too risky..."
We all have a list. Most of the things on it may in fact be legitimate reasons for no.
I guess the self-marketing question is, "how often do you remind yourself of what's on the list?"
If the first thing you do when considering an opportunity is consult the list, the list is the most important thing in your life, isn't it?

Monday, June 25, 2012

How's June Going?

Just a few days lefts to earn the June incentive....anyone?  And don't forget about the June/July combo incentive!

Here they are....

1) For June - if you book and hold two Home or Catalog shows that are $250 or more in June, I will gift you with the Cookie Lee 20th Anniversary charm necklace.  This offer is open to all consultants.

2) June/July Sales contest - Highest sales (PWV) in June & July combined will win $60 in Free Jewelry from me.  You can pick from the current catalog or hold it for the Fall/Winter catalog (which comes in August).

Now I know you all can do this.....Call or email me if you have any questions, issues or need some advice - I am here for you.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What's it all About? Bookings....

Bookings! The life blood of the direct sales industry. Everyone knows when you’re out of bookings, you’re out of business.
Party plan consultants everywhere are looking for the magic words, the best booking games and the right combination of products to entice the guests at the demonstration to book.
Recently, at the beginning of a one-on-one coaching session with a consultant, I was asked for more booking ideas. I was a bit frustrated as I had, in the previous call, provided her with several sound ideas. I asked her about the results she had in using one, and she replied, she hadn’t used it because she was afraid she wouldn’t remember all of it. I asked her about another, and she hadn’t used that one either because she was afraid they wouldn’t like her selection. The third idea I’d given her wasn’t attempted either and, again, because she was afraid she’d forget something.
So I asked her what type of ideas she was looking for and her response was, “A simple, easy game that will guarantee me bookings.”
The theme here is not the “magic” words to say or the “guaranteed game.” Those things don’t exist! The theme here was this consultant’s fear. So I asked her what she was afraid of, and her response was typical: “I don’t want to look like a fool.”
What is the number one reason why they book? To have fun!

Now I may sound like I’m changing the subject here, but I’m really not. Have you ever gone to a professional play? Didn’t the actors appear to be confident in what they were doing? Yet, at the same time the actors could go with the flow when a prop didn’t work correctly or someone forgot a line.
The other thing actors do is, they are “up” for each performance. They make you believe, at least for a little while, that this really is a sweltering courthouse in the south, and he really is Atticus Finch. They make you believe these are the streets of London, and she is Eliza Dolittle. It truly is amazing how the audience is swept away in a performance.
How do they do that? They practice! They practice and practice until every mark on the stage and every facial expression is second nature to them.
Did you enjoy the play? Did you have fun? Did you tell others about it? Did you enjoy it so much you wanted to see it again?
Isn’t that exactly the response we want from our audience? We want them to enjoy themselves and have fun. We want them to tell others about us – by booking. We want them to see it again – by the hostess rebooking. Yet most consultants recreate the wheel every time they do a “performance.” They walk into the hostess’s home and have no real idea what they’re going to say and do. They wing it at each presentation. No wonder they’re afraid! No wonder they lack confidence! No wonder they hem and haw. No wonder they don’t get bookings.

The confident consultant is the one who knows what she’s going to say and can go with the flow of the audience. She has practiced. Her confidence allows her to relax and enjoy herself. That allows her audience to relax and enjoy themselves. What happens when the audience is having fun? They book!
Practice your presentation until it is second nature to you. Once you know exactly what you are going to say you can start to analyze your presentation, tweak it, and make it better and better. The better it becomes the more your audience will enjoy themselves and the more bookings you’ll have.

Ruth Fuersten is the author of HOW TO BOOK, SELL, AND RECRUIT YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS, a step-by-step recipe for success in direct sales. Ruth has 12+ years in direct sales. She earned many incentives including international vacations. Ruth’s top show was $5,956 and she moved into management in 3 months. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy Sunday & Happy June

Let's kick off June with a bang!

We have graduations, wedding season starting and the anticipation of a new catalog in August to help us get our summer selling season rolling.  So what do we need to do?  Here are five quick tips:

1) Get on the phone with your past hostesses to get them scheduled for an August show for the new catalog.

2) Get on the phone and schedule with those parties with all your leads and contacts.

3) Call all your "maybes" and offer them an incentive to book over the summer.

4) Look to leave catalog in nail salons and highlight the anklets and toe rings (it's pedicure season!)

5) Share the love, carry your tote and talk about your business - it can only lead to good things!

Do you sense a pattern here?  Well, there is!  Talking about Cookie Lee, wearing the jewelry and making the calls are what makes your business successful...and puts the cash in your pocket.

I am here to help...call, Facebook or e-mail me anytime.

I see big things for us in June...let's rock!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Have you seen this great idea?

What a great idea!  Offer a toe ring for the best sandals and be done with a party in a hour!  Use the "Party in a Box" concept to make display and packing up quick and easy.

This is a sure winner for Summer!  I am leaving these flyers everywhere - You should too!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

June & July Contests

I am thrilled to announce that Diane Wilburn won the April/May sales contest and at our meeting on Tuesday she received the prize -  the Cookie Lee Jewelry zip up tote bag.

Great prize right!  So what great prizes am I offering for the June and July Incentive periods?

1) For June - if you book and hold two Home or Catalog shows that are $250 or more in June, I will gift you with the Cookie Lee 20th Anniversary charm necklace.  This offer is open to all consultants.

2) June/July Sales contest - Highest sales (PWV) in June & July combined will win $60 in Free Jewelry from me.  You can pick from the current catalog or hold it for the Fall/Winter catalog (which comes in August).

Good Luck to everyone - let's all get those show chains going strong into summer.

Top Ten Reasons to love Cookie Lee (from our magazine)

Top 10 Reasons to Love a Cookie Lee Business
50% Discount on ProductCookie Lee Consultants enjoy a 50% discount 
on jewelry when they join (Option 2),
 or as soon as they purchase $500 retail within their first 12 months of business! 
This means our Consultants earn a 50% gross profit from every piece sold!
Affordable Sign-Up OptionsReady to start a Cookie Lee business?
 You get to choose the sign-up option that works
 best for YOU! Invest in Option 2 and receive an immediate 50% discount 
on your sign-up purchase and all subsequent orders. 

Prefer to build your inventory as you establish your customer base?
 Then the $99 Option is perfect for you! You'll get 25% off your jewelry
 purchases and a 50% discount as soon
 as you've sold $500 retail within your first 12 months of business.
Wearable Advertising Wherever You Go
Just throw on a necklace, earrings and bracelet and you're set for success!
 Fill your Cookie Lee Tote Bag with jewelry and sell it as you share your
 business with others. Whether you're running errands, picking up the kids
 from school, going to the doctor or heading to work, 
your business travels with you!
Purchase What You Like

Our Option 2 sign-up offer allows you to choose the jewelry that YOU
 want to sell. Plus, with your Upline's support, you can learn how to 
collect catalog orders or host a show to offset sign-up costs.
FUN Home Shows: No Formal Presentations

Cookie Lee Consultants hold FUN, "Girls' Night Out" shows that don't require a
 formal presentation to sit through. Guests can mix, mingle, try on items, play with
 jewelry and shop.
Customers Take Home What They Buy 

Talk about instant gratification! Unlike other direct sales companies, Cookie Lee 
customers come home from shows with their jewelry purchases in-hand. Better still, 
Consultants receive an immediate gross profit on sales from the jewelry at their shows.
Monthly Jewelry Releases 
Cookie Lee Consultants always have new jewelry to share with hostesses
 and customers. Our Founder and Chief Jewelry Designer,
 Cookie Lee, designs two catalogs per year along with monthly releases
 of brand-new jewelry (not found in ANY catalog), to keep 
hostesses and customers coming back for more. With our budget-friendly 
interpretations of runway designs, we've got the looks, feel and fashion for
 everyone at any age.
20+ Years of Experience!Our Consultants may start a Cookie Lee business for themselves but they are
 never by themselves. With over 20 years of success and a loyal and dedicated staff, 
we are invested in our Consultants' businesses. Even better, when you start your
 Cookie Lee business, you become a part of the Cookie "sisterhood" and your 
Upline will be there to help you every step of the way.
FREE Vacation on US Cookie Lee Consultants earn a FREE Dream Getaway Trip vacation each year
 just by doing what they love-wearing, sharing and selling jewelry! Next year's trip
 is a 7-night cruise to the beautiful islands of the Bahamas, St. Thomas and
 St. Maarten, so come and join us. Your FREE vacation is waiting!
Training from COOKIE and Ultimate Reward ProgramsGetting rewarded has never been easier! 
New Consultants can earn exciting 
rewards with our QuickSuccess Program just by selling jewelry and building their 
Team. Plus, once you've signed up your first Consultant, you can join Cookie's
 "Fast Track to TM" program and attend exclusive monthly conference calls to 
receive her vital business training and tips.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Welcome to the new blog for the former "Team Napoleon" - now "Penn Jersey Jewels".  I am so excited to have this spot to share ideas, contests, incentives and all wonderful things that are Cookie Lee Jewelry.

Next post will be a recap of our team meeting and the incentives offered to you in June and July.

Please comment and let me know what information you'd like to see here.
