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Ready to begin your jewelry business - Let's talk!

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

What is your Cookie Lee business plan?

If you really want to move forward with your Cookie Lee Jewelry business  you'll need some sort of a business plan.  Utilizing the “10 Questions for a Strong Business Plan” from Julie Anne Jones (copyright Julie Anne Jones, Inc.) and sharing it here.

1) Do I have a goal for the number of parties I intend to hold each month?
2) What is my ideal sales month?
3) Do I have a purpose? Why am I in business?
4) Do I have a set schedule for my business?  On a scale of 1-10, how well do I stay on track in committing to my schedule?
5) Implementation: On a scale of 1-10, how well do I practice and implement what I learn? What practices have I put off implementing the I KNOW will bring me greater results?
6) Do I make excuses for not applying energy to my business? What are the excuses costing me?
7) On a scale of 1-10, how well do I follow through with my agreements?  Am I of my word?  What will I change?
8) Am I fearful of failure or rejection?  Have I searched for the limiting beliefs that block me from succeeding?
9) Do I know my goals for this week?
10) What is my action plan? What will I do to make these weekly goals a reality?

Take a few minutes an do this for yourself....It really helped me to focus and build my business...and to meet you!

Don't forget our conference call on 5/16 - details are on Facebook.  :)