Welcome to our page! Here you can find out about our team, the fabulous ViVi Jewelry, links to documents, contests and incentives.

Ready to begin your jewelry business - Let's talk!

Be sure to let me know if you have an idea for a blog post. email me at dnapoleons1018@comcast.net

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Quick Party tip: Offer quick, short parties like a 5-5-5: Starts at 5PM, invite 5 friends and show 5 of your HOTTEST Products. Great opportunity to book regular length parties for the following month. 
Quick Holiday Tip:  Send postcards to husbands with gift suggestions for under $25.00.  Or to the single Dads you know - gift ideas for daughters.  It's marketing with a purpose and focus.

Quick Recruiting tip: Go for No!  Don't prejudge anyone...make the offer once you hear a cue "I wish I could afford more"  "We have so many bills" or something similar. No does eventually lead to YES!

September Contest - no results yet.

October Contest - Sales - for every $200 in sales you get one entry into a drawing for a new Cookie Lee Tablerunner.  

Let's make this a great month!!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We have Winners!!!!

I am excited to announce the winners of our Summer Contest for sales in June and July......

Our winner receives her choice:  $50 in Jewelry or a NEW consultant bag....

Second place receives her choice:  $25 in jewelry or 4 packages of NEW checkout bags.....

And because it was such a great result, I have a pack of postcards for our third place winner!

First place is....... Kim Dennis!!!!!!!  She had over $800 in sales during our contest period.

Second place is ....... Teresa Gaglione!!!!  Her sales were over $500.

Third place is .....Gayle Wilton with almost $400 in sales!!

I am so proud of each of you and excited to see your business growing.  With our new Fall catalog, I know it is only up from here.  Each and every one of our PennJersey Jewels is a special gem!

September contest......Bookings!  Each show you book in September gets you one entry in a drawing for $50 in free jewelry or a new Tote bag!  Please send me your dates and hostess name/phone number so I can confirm.

Team meeting anyone?  Let me know what you want to see in our next meeting!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Incentives to Help Your Business


Last week on our team meeting call, I discussed lots of ways to kick up your summer sales.  Think outdoors...
             Pool Parties, Picnics, Coffee meetings, Girl's Wine Night
and most of all, carrying that Cookie Lee Tote everywhere - so you are ready to party on the spot!

But I know that there is nothing more motivating than the chance to earn something extra, so here are the June and July incentives from me.  These run June 1 to July 15, with a $250 minimum.

Sales Contest
Two Winners for the Highest Sales 
1st Place - $50 in New Fall/Winter catalog jewelry
2nd Place - $25 in New Fall/Winter Jewelry

Fashion Week Incentive
Do you want to experience Fashion Week?
Here is your chance to win Registration cost!
Recruit One - 1/2 Registration paid
Recruit Two - 1/2 Registration paid
All recruits must be Option 2 or fully qualified by July 15th

Remember to rebook your current hostesses for the new Fall catalog - this keeps your parties flowing and sales throughout the year!  

Call, text or comment here any questions you may have.  Thanks for being a great team!  

Good Luck!!! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What is your Cookie Lee business plan?

If you really want to move forward with your Cookie Lee Jewelry business  you'll need some sort of a business plan.  Utilizing the “10 Questions for a Strong Business Plan” from Julie Anne Jones (copyright Julie Anne Jones, Inc.) and sharing it here.

1) Do I have a goal for the number of parties I intend to hold each month?
2) What is my ideal sales month?
3) Do I have a purpose? Why am I in business?
4) Do I have a set schedule for my business?  On a scale of 1-10, how well do I stay on track in committing to my schedule?
5) Implementation: On a scale of 1-10, how well do I practice and implement what I learn? What practices have I put off implementing the I KNOW will bring me greater results?
6) Do I make excuses for not applying energy to my business? What are the excuses costing me?
7) On a scale of 1-10, how well do I follow through with my agreements?  Am I of my word?  What will I change?
8) Am I fearful of failure or rejection?  Have I searched for the limiting beliefs that block me from succeeding?
9) Do I know my goals for this week?
10) What is my action plan? What will I do to make these weekly goals a reality?

Take a few minutes an do this for yourself....It really helped me to focus and build my business...and to meet you!

Don't forget our conference call on 5/16 - details are on Facebook.  :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Goal Check with Jim Rohn

Sometimes it's not whether you've accomplished your goals, it's how.

What goals did you set at the start of this year? Have you accomplished them? Personal development legend Jim Rohn says it's ok if you haven't yet achieved your goals. The more important question to ask is if you've started.
"The real value in setting goals is not in their achievement. The acquisition of the things you want is strictly secondary. The major reason for setting goals is to compel you to become the person it takes to achieve them,” Rohn says. Say you want to be a millionaire. The greatest value to becoming one is actually not the million dollars. (Seriously!) “The greatest value is in the skills, knowledge, discipline and leadership qualities you’ll develop in reaching that elevated status,” Rohn says. 

Answer this question: What kind of person will you have to become to get all you want? Write down the kinds of skills you’ll need to develop and the knowledge you’ll need to gain. Your answers might give you some new goals for your personal development. Work on your goals. Your ability will grow to match your dreams. “This is the magic of goal setting. The more you work on your goals, the more new opportunities will present themselves to you,” Rohn says.

You can make big changes in your life. “You can make startling changes you can’t even conceive of right now, if you just give yourself half a chance.”

From SUCCESS Magazine

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Motivation...I know I need it too!

From http://www.entrepreneur.com:
 Here are five steps to get in the right mindset for a business turnaround.
Step 1: Be social, even if you don't feel like it.
Shutting yourself away from everyone is a common mistake too many business owners make when times are tough, says Debra Condren, a New York-based business psychologist and author of Ambition is Not a Dirty Word (Broadway, 2008). "Sometimes you can be your own worst underminer," Condren says. "You start feeling like a fraud."
"[Business] started to pick up because I kept fighting the recession and I kept promoting myself and getting my name out there," she says.When Oliver's business slowed down, she started going to more networking events for women and small business owners, while raising awareness of her business through social networks and daily-deals sites.
If you don't have one already, create an advisory board you can consult about business challenges, says Condren.
"Talk to people who have been there and done it and fallen through the same hole," says Mark Parkinson, a Somerset U.K.-based business psychologist and author of Using Psychology in Business (Gower, 1999).
Step 2: Avoid naysayers and watch what you feed your mind.
It's easy to start and end your day watching the news, but beware of the negative messages you're getting from headlines, says Condren. She suggests limiting your news intake to once a day. "You want to stay current and skim the headlines, but stay away from the rest of it," she says.
Exercise is one of the first things people skip when under pressure. But when we are feeling stressed our body produces noradrenaline, a stress hormone that can affect our attention and quality of thinking. Exercise spurs endorphins to counter the buildup of stress hormones in the body. "Literally, your brain does work better if you exercise. The quality of your thinking is improved," says Parkinson.

While solving day-to-day problems can be all-consuming, taking the time to learn about new aspects of business is an important way to stay focused on solutions -- not just your problems. Condren suggests starting simple, like reading an article related to an area of business that's been giving you trouble, taking a half-day workshop or attending an industry conference.

Studies have shown we remember uncompleted tasks better than we remember what we've accomplished. But even if you're faced with a never-ending to-do list, Condren says it's important to remember everything you've already accomplished. For example, if a client sends over a complimentary note or you close a major deal, print out the email or document and put it in a file you can turn to when you're feeling discouraged. Also, update your resume, even if no one else sees it, as a reminder of your achievements.

Read something inspiring instead, ideally just before bed and right when you wake up. "The last thing you put into your mind before you go to sleep is what you are going to focus on," says Condren. She recommends books like the 1937 classic Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (Warner Books, 2003) and The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman (Miramax, 2004).
Step 3: Get up and move.
Even if you can't make it to the gym, you can still find small ways to incorporate exercise into your day. Condren suggests taking a few flights of stairs instead of the elevator or simply walking around the block to get your blood pumping and help clear your mind.
Step 4: Keep learning and stay on top of industry trends.
If you don't have the time or money to spend at a conference, consider online educational videos. Not only can they get you thinking about your business in new ways, they can help you stay current in your industry. "Instead of watching the news while you're cooking your dinner that evening, listen to a home-study course," Condren says. "You have to stay current, or you will feel left behind."
Step 5: Be your own cheerleader.
It's tapping back into your passion for the business that will ultimately help turn it around, says Parkinson. "You've got to remember all that positive stuff that got you fired up in the first place," he says. "It's like falling in love. You've got to remember what it's like and then you might want to do it again."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

3 Tips to Grow your Business

Keep Your Eye on the Ball.
When you start your Cookie Lee business, money is always tight. Attractive opportunities present themselves as quick ways to bring in revenue, but they are a complete departure from your core business strategy. Before you decide to go for it, stop and think about the ramifications of your decision. How much of a distraction is this going to be? One of the biggest reasons many of us fail is because they take on projects or products that are completely unrelated. Trying to be all things to all people is impossible.Stay focused on your core business - finding hostess and recruits who love jewelry as much as you do!

Set Milestones.Create a plan with a timeline and milestones. Without established benchmarks, days, weeks and months can pass by while you talk, talk, talk about what you’re going to do, but you never get around to doing it.You may not meet all your goals as quickly as you predicted.In fact, in most cases you won’t. It typically takes twice as long, as you think it will to achieve your objectives. Nonetheless, your established milestones keep you focused on progress.

Take Action Every Day.Never let a day go by in your Cookie Lee business where you haven’t done at least one activity to help you reach your business goals. Business success requires discipline–the discipline to practice those things that are instrumental for your success. Only occasionally making a sales call or attending a networking event won’t keep the pipeline filled with new business opportunities.One thing that works well for me is creating a list of top priorities, “the must dos” for the day, and getting those items completed first. Otherwise, I find it’s easy to get sidetracked with answering emails, cleaning my office area or working on a project I enjoy but isn’t a strategic business need.

I am here to help - let's chat about your goals and plans for your Cookie Lee business and how we can grow as a TEAM!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Networking 101 - or how to get business!

Great short article from SCORE on networking....

“I hate networking!” Get over it. Networking (be it actual or virtual) is the least expensive and most effective marketing tool for small business.
“But, I am too shy.” That’s actually best — shy people make great networkers since they spend most of their time listening.
Women love to talk and if you are sincere in listening to the focus of their companies and how they got into business, you are a big step closer to developing a client and a friend. We do business with people we know and love. By listening and using eye contact, you show you care about them and want to know more. After all, the point of networking meetings is to get to know people and build relationships.
What networking tips have you discovered?
-Betty Otte