I got this from one of my gf's who is in another direct sales businss and thought it was worth sharing......... enjoy~
Summer can't be no work and all play!
from Mary Christensen, author of Be A Recruiting Superstar, Be A Network Marketing Superstar and Be A Party Plan Superstar.
Don't take a three-month vacation from your business this summer if you want to change your life. It's all about balance and these steps will keep business flowing while you're enjoying time out:
Combine not-working with net-working: The person picnicking next to you at the park, beach or camping ground may be your next team member, host or customer. Pack catalogs, business brochures and samples in the car with your swimsuit and sunglasses. When you're not working you will have more time for networking!
One of the most basic rules of direct selling is that the more people you meet the more money you will make, so be ready when the opportunity presents itself. When we're on vacation, we are more open to new people and new ideas.
Polish and perfect: Practice your 15-30 second story so that you can spend more time listening and less time talking. This formula will make it easy: 'I am.... but... and so...'
Here's an example: "I am a mom. I have two beautiful boys and I love spending time with them. But I don't want to lose all my independence. And so, I have a small biz selling ...... from home. I get to buy all my products wholesale, and take a break from the kids for some 'me' time. And the money I make pays for things I would feel guilty buying if I didn't have my own income."
Learn as you burn: Taking a few books away with you this summer? Include one of these books, Be A Recruiting Superstar, Be A Network Marketing Superstar, Be A Party Plan Superstar, or Make Your First Million In Network Marketing with you. Highlight the 'ah-ha's' that jump off the page at you so when the pressure of real life returns, you can quickly scan the book for the highlighted passages. If you have an electronic reader, all books are now on Kindle at www.amazon.com **I have most of these on my Kindle and refer to them often (Debie)
Daydream and decide: While the kids are playing, relax and imagine what your life could be if you had an extra $1000 a week in your budget. Where would you go? What would you do? What would you buy? When what you want is powerful enough, you will do what you have to do.
Prepare and plan: Take a few minutes to search for Expos, and Trade Shows coming to your area in fall. Apply for a booth now so you are committed to the event. I'll be sharing how to make your booth stand out in the crowd very soon.
Be visible: A magnetic decal on your car will make sure people know who you are and what you do; and easier to scoop up customers who have lost contact with their distributor.